Minireview: The Man Trap

This entry is part 5 of 12 in the series Minireviews

One Sentence Synopsis

McCoy’s ex-girlfriend is a monster who sucks the life out of men.

Scene setup

McCoy’s ex-girlfriend has been replaced with a salt-sucking monster which needs to feed on our intrepid Captain Kirk. McCoy is torn between his boss and the best sex he’s ever had.

She’s a handsome woman, yes.

Should you watch it?

You get some McCoy but there’s not much else that stands out in this Monster Of The Week episode.

Vital Statistics (This episode / series to date)

What Happened?This adventureAll timeNotes
HR Incident17Not really an HR incident but McCoy is so hot for his ex that Kirk is forced to order the good doctor to stop thinking with his glands. How’s that for a turnabout?

What is closer to an HR violation is Kirk sending assurances to an Hispanic Commander that his chili peppers are on the way.
Shirtless Kirk02.5
Hookups?12Crewman Darnell may have got a little grindy action before he was murdered judging by the fact he was found flat on his back. Yowza!
Encounters with exes?11Jeez, McCoy. Get over it already.
Redshirt Kills?00When will it happen? Was red dye expensive in the 23rd century?
Non Redshirt Kills?36Three non redshirted guest actors killed by the salt sucker.
Offscreen Federation Kills?09
Non Federation Kills?11The monster murders her own husband because of course she does..
Women, amirite?
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