Minireviews: Miri

This entry is part 11 of 12 in the series Minireviews

One Sentence Synopsis

Kirk creeps on a pubescent girl to win a race against time (and a virus) on parallel Earth.

Scene setup

Oh boy. Kirk and company beam down to an exact copy of mid 1960s Earth (TROPE ALERT) then contract a virus that causes post-pubescents to rapidly age- only the children survived and they are hundreds of years old. The kids left on Planet Lord of the Flies steal the landing party’s communicators and hot blonde yeoman which forces Kirk to creep on a teenage girl- the titular Miri- who then takes the unsuspecting Captain to a hilariously perilous rendezvous.

NO BLAHBLAHBLAH! Ladies and Gentlemen, your Emmy winner for best writing in a drama.

Should you watch it?

No. It’s an hour where little of substance happens unless willful suspension of disbelief is a hobby of yours. For instance: were there really centuries of food and water available? Was this the only city on Earth II? Why does Jahn (see above) look like he is in his mid twenties? And so on.

Vital Statistics

What Happened?This adventureAll timeNotes
HR Incident011As distasteful as pedophilia is, still not against Starfleet policy.
Shirtless Kirk.55In the context of a beatdown by child.
Hookups?05THANK GOD NO
Encounters with exes?03
Redshirt Kills?00
Non Redshirt Kills?03
Offscreen Federation Kills?09
Non Federation Kills?02A couple of deaths to raise the stakes.
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