Minireviews: The Conscience Of The King

This entry is part 12 of 12 in the series Minireviews

One Sentence Synopsis

Kirk creeps on a slightly post-pubescent girl to stop a genocidal dictator from killing the witnesses to mass murder.

Scene setup

Kirk is one of two surviving witnesses to the horrors wrought by Kodos The Executioner who made the logical decision to kill half an Earth colony’s population in order that the other half may survive. The survivors revolted against this genius plan and Kodos was presumed killed in the chaos.

Oh, and by a coinkydink both witnesses are assigned to the USS Enterprise!

Kirk grows to suspect that the head of a traveling Shakespeare company may be Kodos traveling incognito. But how to ensnare the dastard?

C’mon, People. This is Captain James T. Kirk.

There’s only one answer:

Hunt down the man’s slightly-older-than-street-legal daughter and Keep. On. Macking.

This girl knows her Kirks and she still jumped in the boat. Grab that paddle and start whacking, Jimbo!

Should you watch it?

Yes! Between Trek being a product of the 1960’s and the Shakespearean framing this episode features so much over the top acting that in comparison Shatner delivers a flat out understated performance- witness the clip above. That’s quite a stylized performance from our guest actress, Barbara Anderson.

Vital Statistics

What Happened?This adventureAll timeNotes
HR Incident011
Shirtless Kirk05
Hookups?16Bitches be cray cray.
Encounters with exes?03
Redshirt Kills?00
Non Redshirt Kills?03
Offscreen Federation Kills?09
Non Federation Kills?13Poor Thomas Leighton. Not a good second half of life.
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