Minireview: The Corbomite Maneuver

This entry is part 2 of 12 in the series Minireviews

One Sentence Synopsis

Kirk shows shocking managerial incompetence while the ship is threatened by hostile alien/grapefruit juice enthusiast Clint Howard.

Scene setup

The Navigator Of The Week reminds Kirk of his younger self so Kirk promotes him too quickly.

Enjoy the fruits of Kirk’s managerial incompetence.

McCoy is pissed!

Should you watch it?

Yes. It’s a fun watch as the second episode in production order. You can tell the production team is still getting their legs under them (LOUD SPOCK LOUDS LOUDLY!). However, the elements of Trek are in place and you can see potential oozing off the screen. On top of that science fiction tropes (like aliens testing humans) are being invented on the fly and it’s pretty cool seeing a cliche in the pram, if I may be so British about it .

Vital Statistics

What Happened?This adventureAll timeNotes
HR Incident13Freakout!
Shirtless Kirk11.5Dr. McCoy needs to examine the Captain to distill Kirk’s manliness.
Encounters with exes?00
Redshirt Kills?00
Non Redshirt Kills?03
Offscreen Federation Kills?09
Non Federation Kills?00
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